Hello everyone! Sorry for the lack of posts on this blog. It has been a very busy month.
Paris was amazing. My dad and I spent four days there and loved every minute of it. We saw the Louvre museum, Notre Dame, Shakespeare and Company, the Ópera house, and the Eiffel Tower! My favorite part, by far, was the Eiffel Tower. Somehow I never imagined that it would be that huge in real life.
The Eiffel Tower!
Eiffel Tower at night
We also wandered around aimlessly and spent a lot of time on the Metro. We struggled a lot because of our lack of French but we managed to convey our meaning with gestures. Luckily the staff at our hotel spoke English.
The most delicious thing I ate in Paris: crepes. Everywhere you go there are crepe stands where you can watch them fry your crepes and add cheese, ham, egg, Nutella, banana, or whatever you want. It was a delicious food experience.
After Paris we spent a couple of days in Barcelona. Ahh, the ocean! It wasn't warm enough to swim but I couldn't resist taking my shoes off and walking in the sand. The weather was beautiful in Barcelona and we were kind of burned out on sight seeing from Paris, so we wandered around a lot less. We saw La Sagrada Familia and also watched some teams playing a version of Bocce ball.
Dad at the top of the tower of La Sagrada Familia |
Ocean |
The last couple of days before my dad flew out we spent in Burgos, so he could see where I live and meet the Santidrians! My dad came over for supper the first night he was here and he and Eva hit it off immediately. They both hammed it up and giggled a lot. By the time my dad left a few days later, he and the kids had invented their own version of the "fist bump." I'm not sure who enjoyed his visit more--my dad or my host family.
When my dad left, I was sad to see him go but glad we had seen so many great things together.
Monday, February 6th, the second semester of classes started. I'm taking Spanish Literature of the 16th Century, Spanish Grammar: Morphology, Cultural Background of the Western World, and Latin.
That's all I've got for today. Soon I hope to post about running and Rome.